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Roger Alan - September 11, 2019
Colors are what life is all about; every single thing in our world is associated with colors. They always have subliminal effects on our thinking and sub-consciousness. Moods are associated with colors, for example; sadness is identified by blue, and mournful is interchangeable with the color black, while yellow is the representative of happiness and so on.
Whether it is your choice of clothing color, your car, or the color of a simple thread bracelet, your choices would be representing you. When it comes to the colors of our surroundings, it differs a little bit. For example, blue as a color is associated with sadness when it comes to emotions, but the blue of the sky is calming.
And just like spaces around us in nature, the color of the rooms in our living spaces would have different impacts based on which colors we choose for them. Picking the right color of paint for the spaces in houses is not an easy task. You will have to think about various factors such as purchasing and maintenance expenses, the impact of the chosen colors on the individual spaces and the general contrast between the different chosen colors.
There are a few tricks that are generally used by designers when it comes to picking a perfect color palette for their designs:
1- First, you need to look around the space and notice the pattern that is most dominant, and then you need to pick a color scheme from the largest pattern in that space.
2- Second, when you are decorating, always go from darker colors to lighter colors, vertically. In other words, let the floor be the darkest, the walls in medium colors, and the ceiling to be the lightest one.
3- Third, make sure you start with the most formal and used spaces. And let the rest of the house follow the lead of the main space.
4- The fourth step is an important one since it revolves around the color wheel. The color wheel makes life much easier because it has warm and cold colors in a circle, opposing each other. Colors that are next to each other such as orange and red are warm, aggressive, and project a certain mood while blue and its neighboring green are calm colors and soothing for the eyes. You could build a beautiful contrast between warm and cold colors, such as strokes of yellow that swim in the background of blue, for instance!
5- Lastly, make sure you do not go for extremely dark colors unless there is a purpose behind it. Dark colors tend to absorb more light; therefore, the spaces would look smaller. On the other hand, lighter colors make the spaces look more inviting and bigger!
After you have followed the above steps that secure the basics, all you have to do is try to add your own touch and showcase your own style within the spaces. After all, it is your own place, and it has to represent you. If darker colors have a cozier effect on you individually go for them without having to think twice. Design has its scientific and psychological side, but it is also all about perspectives! So, follow the guideline when it comes to picking the basics and then twist the finishing with your personal touches.